When was the last time you spoke openly about family wealth?

The complexities of generational wealth can lead to confusion and isolation. Join us to connect with a community of peers who share your experience and develop a framework for defining a more intentional path to fulfillment.

Membership space is extremely limited.
Apply or book a call with our team to learn more.


Unlock your next step

As an Enclave member, you can expect to:

  • Define a personal value statement to guide future decisions
  • Explore your internal and external clutter (money, identity, relationship, and contribution)
  • Develop a framework and action plan with concrete next steps
  • Join a community committed to exchanging ideas and problem solving together
  • Gain clarity on how to go out into the world to make a positive, lasting impact in a personalized way

Membership is extremely limited so connect with us to learn more and join the waitlist.


  • Curated Peer Network

    A strict filtering process ensures a like-minded and thoughtful member group confronted with the same issues and complexities being a Rising Gen presents all of us.

  • Member Roundtables

    Moderated quarterly virtual roundtables provide a live forum to share knowledge, seek advice, and experience share in a confidential setting. Receive practical ideas and resources you can use to be more intentional in defining your next step.

  • Open & Candid Discussion

    Discuss your relationship with wealth and feel understood without judgment and under strict confidentiality. Get practical, learned wisdom from peers across dozens of interest categories to navigate the challenges and opportunities you face.

  • Expert Guidance

    Learn from top-tier experts that facilitate unique workshops on a range of topics around wealth and its impact on families and individuals. Live masterclass calls cover topics including communication, family business, and personal identity.

  • Shared Experiences

    Enclave members enjoy priority access to intimate live experiences to share, support, and build connection at inspiring locations. Our gatherings are designed to connect you with not only your peers, but also the natural world surrounding the stunning locations that we choose to get together.

  • Strict Confidentiality

    Open communication is fundamental to the Enclave community. Complete confidentiality is essential and members agree to keep all information in the strictest of confidence. Members must adhere to a strict no solicitation policy.

Not Another Networking Group

Focus on the Individual, not their investments

Enclave is not another networking group with the ultimate goal of providing advisory services. We exist independent of the financial services industry to focus on development of the individual, not their investments.

Our community is for you if you want to: 

  • Create authentic bonds with a group of trusted peers who understand the challenges and opportunities of your life and who are committed to exchanging ideas and problem solving together

  • Break from isolation and loneliness while gaining learned wisdom from others who've navigated the complexities of life as a Rising Gen within a family of wealth

  • Define your personal value statement to guide future decisions and explore the internal and external 'clutter' in your life (money, identity, relationship, and contribution)

  • Learn of all the various ways to live a life of contribution to unlock a more empowered view of your family wealth and your unique situation

  • Gain clarity on how to go out into the world to make a positive, lasting impact in a personalized way

"I joined Enclave because of the emphasis on authentic relationships. The unique position that our wealth puts us in requires a great deal of stewardship.

In order to do that well we need deep relationships with people who understand the unique advantages, pitfalls and complexities of our situation.

I love that Enclave is focusing on building strong connections with like minded people who have similar experiences and can share insight with each other."

Chris H. - Enclave Founding Member

Community Moderators

Kristin Keffeler

Enclave connects members with top experts in the field of generational wealth and its impact on families and individuals. Meet some of the people who will guide you towards new ideas and resources you can use to be more intentional when addressing the opportunities and complexities of wealth.

Kristin Keffeler is a thought leader, speaker, and consultant at the forefront of a global shift in family wealth advising, known as Wealth 3.0. She guides affluent families in embracing the positive power of wealth and doing the “inner work of money.” Kristin is the author of The Myth of the Silver Spoon: Navigating Family Wealth & Creating an Impactful Life, an Amazon bestseller.

“By definition, a rising gen is someone who embraces the psychology of growth, possibility, hope, and continuous learning. It embodies a willingness to persevere and find one's own voice and one's own path. And that, my friend, is you." 

- The Myth of the Silver Spoon

Bart Foster

Bart Foster works as a strategist, advisor and coach to Fortune 500 companies, YPO & EO members, and emerging startups. He is an award-winning entrepreneur with more than 18 years of international sales and marketing experience in the consumer products, technology and healthcare industries. 

Bart is also the founder and CEO of BusinessOutside, a facilitation and training company focused on engaging, inspiring, and empowering individuals and teams to get outside in nature and outside their comfort zones. At Enclave, Bart leads us on sessions to define personal value statements, define what each of us is great at, and building a plan to go forward.

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Frequently asked questions

Our Founders met each other as part of a Next Gen advisory board in 2012.

Over the years they developed a close relationship sharing the challenges, opportunities, and complexities accompanying their family’s wealth.

But neither ever discovered an organized peer group of additional like-minded people in a similar situation. It became clear that they needed to build a peer network for the Next Gen. 

Click here to answer a few brief questions to begin your application to join our community.

Membership in Enclave includes access to the curated Enclave peer network, community threads, member roundtables, Masterclass calls, and priority access to live experiences.

Annual membership dues are $1,995.

New members pay a $1,995 initiation fee.

To discuss pricing for couples, please set up a quick call with our team.

Book a call with our team any time or email us at info@joinenclave.com.